2021 LOOKSLIKEFILM BARE Awards - Thanks so Much!


Lookslikefilm is finally embracing and promoting boudoir photography with their new group “Lookslikefilm Bare” . They launch their first competition this year and I am proud to be one of the selected photographers that made the cut.

The competition wasn’t easy as there was a multitude of incredibly talented boudoir photographers from all over the world, but I feel is important to participate as these type of challenges push our creativity, and force us to explore our boundaries. This not only benefits the photographer but also our clients as they most likely get better images as a result of this excercise.

If you want to see all the awarded images from this contest go and spend a few minutes here:

Lookslikefilm Bare Awards 2021 Winners

Let me share here below the awarded image and some other shots from the same shoot done at my new boudoir studio in Baltimore!

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